Thursday, September 3, 2009

Does she or doesn't she...

That's the big question. Does Patty really exist? Actually, that leads to two different questions; does bigfoot exist and was Patty a real bigfoot. Patty, of course, is the subject seen in the famous 1967 film shot by Roger Patterson, assisted by Bob Gimlin, at Bluff Creek, California.

You can't answer the first question (was Patty a real bigfoot) without first answering the second question (does bigfoot really exist). Often enough, the question of whether Patty was real precedes the question of whether bigfoot is real. It's a difficult situation to sort out.

Traditionally, researchers who believe, as well as skeptics who don't believe, and even those who do believe in bigfoot yet don't believe in Patty, analyze the Patterson/Gimlin film as if it were the Holy Grail of the bigfoot mystery, as if solving that mystery of Patty would solve the question of bigfoot. It's been over 40 years since that filming, and the debate rages on. Even conspiracy theories have sprouted up, taking any number of feasible to outlandish directions.

Reportedly, the Patterson/Gimlin film is second only to the Zapruder film as far as depth of analyses. Very interesting to say the least. And so far, also without a firm conclusion. The question of whether Patty truly existed is clearly YES. But was she a bigfoot or a person in a suit is still unresolved, as is the question of whether bigfoot truly exists.

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